This guide provides an overview of the prepublication preparations for a typical project, and describes the remaining guides in the Prepublication preparations section of this website.

Note: The prepublication preparations section is only relevant to projects that have a requirement to convert finalized Markdown files (.md) into Microsoft Word documents (.docx) using Pandoc. The prepublication guides do not describe creating or editing PowerPoint presentation files (.ppt), or other supporting resources.

Requirements vary between projects, adapt the prepublication preparation guides to suit the particular requirements for the project you are working on. If you’re unsure about your project’s requirements, ask your project manager for help.

Topics in this guide

An overview of prepublication preparations

Where relevant, the file conversion process involves creating a Microsoft Word document from each markdown file that has passed all reviewing, editing, and testing stages. Typically, finalized markdown files are stored in a designated directory (for example, on GitHub, Azure DevOps, Teams, or SharePoint). The file conversion process is usually performed by a dedicated WayPoint team member who is responsible for making the prepublication preparations.

Note: The designated directory for storing finalized markdown files varies between projects. Ask your project manager where the finalized markdown files are stored for the project you’re working on, and how to access them. Your project manager can also identify the WayPoint team member responsible for making prepublication preparations.

Required file conversion tools

Markdown files are converted into Microsoft Word documents using Pandoc. Pandoc is a free and open-source software program for converting documents. The conversion process also uses a set of file conversion tools from the zip archive conversion_tools .zip. The zip archive contains the following file conversion tools:

  • reference .dotx. During the file conversion process, Pandoc applies text styles that are defined in reference .dotx to the Word Documents it creates. For example, for Heading 1 elements in a markdown file, like # Example heading 1, Pandoc applies the Heading 1 style that’s defined in reference .dotx to the Word Document it creates.

  • convert_md_to_docx .bat. In a single operation, the batch script convert_md_to_docx .bat converts all markdown files in a directory into Word documents. The batch script uses Pandoc to apply the text styles defined in reference .dotx. When you run the batch script, convert_md_to_docx .bat, reference .dotx, and your markdown files, must be in the same directory.

  • template .dotx. After Pandoc creates a Word document, custom styles can be added into the document using a template file, like template .dotx. The template file is “attached” to a converted Word document, and the custom styles from the template are applied to the document’s contents in Word “manually”.

Prepublication preparation guides

The following are descriptions of the remaining guides in the Prepublication preparations section of this website.

  • Setup file conversion tools describes how to set up Pandoc, and the additional file conversion software tools in conversion_tools .zip.

  • Convert markdown to doc describes how to use the batch script convert_md_to_docx .bat, and reference file reference .dotx, to convert the markdown files in a directory to Microsoft Word documents.

  • Configure styles in Word describes how to attach the template file style_template .dotx to a (converted) Word document, and configure the styles for use in Microsoft Word.

  • Style a doc in Word describes how to style the contents of a (converted) document in Microsoft Word.


Check the following supplementary Appendices for more details and context.